With HomeByMe, home retailers deliver a superior omnichannel offering that will increase engagement, accelerate the decision cycle and drive sales.

HomeByMe Furniture & Decor Planner can be white-labeled and completely customized for an omnichannel 3D planning experience that is on-brand, intuitive and easy to update.

Consumers need a high quality visual experience when it comes to planning their dream homes and in fact, for 84%, the experience a retailer provides is just as important as its products or services. As a result, software that can help customers redesign their homes or visualize potential purchases is a very valuable asset for home retailers, who have the option to either outsource their solution or develop it in-house.

Besides the high upfront capital expenditure, it is no secret that in-house development brings with it several technical challenges for home retailers, who are required to build 3D planning capabilities at scale. Not least, longer lead times are inevitable to account for complexities in technical implementation, including frequent updates and digitization of product catalogs. On the other hand, an in-house solution is completely bespoke, which can ensure strong brand identity, while the retailer maintains complete control.

With a white label, cloud-based 3D planning solution such as HomeByMe Furniture & Decor Planner , home retailers can be assured of complete customization while benefiting from the expertise of a world leader in design software, freeing up time that can be reallocated to other areas of the business. But given 71% of shoppers believe a seamless online to offline experience is the key to retail success, perhaps the main advantage of the HomeByMe Furniture & Decor Planner planning solution is the opportunity to integrate the technology for use instore as well as via a home retailer’s website.

In this article, we explain how HomeByMe’s 3D planning solution can extend the same immersive experience that customers have come to expect from their favorite home retailers, to deliver a superior omnichannel offering that will increase engagement, accelerate the decision cycle and drive sales.


#1 Brand identity, built in

The HomeByMe Furniture & Decor Planner 3D planning solution comes with extensive built-in customization capabilities. This means that not only can it be completely white-labeled to reflect brand identity, it can also be configured to requirements, with the ability to map the customer experience and integrate it into the website. This way, retailers can offer unique concept home designs for customers to quickly integrate the latest trends into their room plans, build in helpful alerts and include the latest promotions and availability in real time.


Of course, what really makes a solution unique is the complete integration of a home retailer’s entire product portfolio. With a huge number of SKUs to model – often into the thousands – and unique designs and customizable options to consider, this is the step that will often require the biggest time investment and that runs the most risk of going visually wrong. With HomeByMe Furniture & Decor Planner, catalogs are expertly modeled in 3D to provide a highly accurate 360-degree view of the inventory with fully customizable product lines made to mirror a retailer’s unique collections, fabrics and finishes.

With an integrated solution for catalog production and management, retailers can quickly access an overview of every product in production and provide real-time feedback for digitization that is efficient, hassle-free and delivers the fastest time to market.


#2 Integration with your business systems

With the HomeByMe Furniture & Decor Planner 3D planning solution, every phase of the customer journey becomes connected, whether they are in the store or at home. Customers who start by designing their dream rooms remotely can head into store to collaborate with a sales professional, while retailers can build in additional touchpoints into the solution to communicate with them at every step of the buying process.

By integrating with existing operations such as the CRM system, retailers can collect invaluable data to inform sales professionals of the customer journey from end to end. Valuable insight on consumer preferences, buying cycles and popular product types can also be accessed to enhance a retailer’s offering. By understanding which collections and products are used more, retailers can maximize their sales patterns and even conduct tests on pricing and promotions to understand how they affect customer decisions. From here, the possibilities are endless.

Once retailers are equipped with the data needed to incentivize consumers to complete the purchase, they can offer data-enabled hyper-personalized promotional offers, conduct re-marketing and even figure out how to best complete their sale, whether it be a phone call or inviting a customer to store. This level of customization helps sales professionals remain in tune with customers and their needs.


#3 Scaling up 

When it comes to business growth, a cloud-based solution is a retailer’s best friend. The plug-and-play nature of HomeByMe’s 3D planning solution means that home retailers can implement the technology straight away. Not only does this simplify roll out and integration with the website, but by its very nature, allows for efficient scalability. Whether demand spikes sharply or shows a steady growth curve, retailers can quickly scale their online availability up or down in response. New product sets and collections can be integrated seamlessly with no downtime required.

At HomeByMe, we regularly implement updates to our 3D planning solution to ensure the most optimized technology and software. Putting in place a highly accurate 3D solution creates more room for personalization and user-relevance – delivering increased return on investment. Having an intuitive, engaging and up-to-date platform gives home retailers the opportunity to increase their value per customer, leading to greater conversion rates.

At a time when digitally native consumers are reshaping every sector of retail, white label 3D planning solutions like HomeByMe Furniture & Decor Planner mean that there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Instead, home retailers can benefit from the expertise of a world-leading design software provider, a tried and tested process and a vast array of customization options. They can scale up and provide the quality of technology required to stand out from the competition, delivering a completely on-brand solution with a superior, intuitive omnichannel experience online and instore.

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